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AdWords Misconceptions
4 Common AdWords Misconceptions

Evidently, Google is the largest and most successful search engine freely available today. They are, however, much more than just a search engine, they’re an advertising platform. We understand that some people may be wary to invest in Google’s pay-per-click advertising platform, Google AdWords, as they fear it might be too impersonal coming from such
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Google AdWords for your business
Google AdWords For Your Business – Why It Is So Effective

As marketers, we often hear questions like “does Google AdWords really work?” or “what’s so good about Google AdWords?”. Sometimes we’ll even get the occasional “what is Google AdWords and how does it work?”. Essentially, Google AdWords is a PPC advertising tool that can reach very specific targets and for minimal cost! So here’s what
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adwords optimize for conversions
Are You Optimising Your AdWords Ads For Maximum Conversion?

Creating multiple ads within your AdWords ad groups can be a great way to draw in more users, but equally important are your settings for how each are displayed. Below, we’ll run you through two key AdWords tools that you can help you better maximise conversions.

google adwords click to call
Google AdWords Click-To-Call Updates Are Here!

As part of our regular Digital Marketing news segments, today we’ll be looking at some of the latest updates to come out regarding Google AdWords Click-To-Call extensions! Below, we run through the top announcements revealed last week by Google. 

Google AdWords Launch New Marketing Goals Website

For many small to medium business owners, finding new and effective strategies to help achieve your business goals can be hard work. Fortunately, Google have launched a new frontier to help make life easier – the AdWords Marketing Goals website! Announced on November 3rd, Google’s new AdWords website will aim to help business owners put
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social media news
Digital Buzz – Interesting Updates From Google, Facebook & LinkedIn!

It can be difficult to keep up with all of the technological advances happening in our world – there’s always so much going on! As part of our weekly blog, SponsoredLinX takes a look at 3 recent developments in the world of Google, Facebook and LinkedIn! Facebook Slideshow Ads get a new look! Since launching last
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Hit your performance goals with AdWords Campaign Groups!

Last week Google AdWords announced the release of AdWords Campaign Groups. As its name suggests, this new feature allows advertisers to group AdWords campaigns (such as Video, Display, Search and Shopping Campaigns) into a single group with common targets. The benefit of this is that it gives advertisers the opportunity to better monitor and reach performance
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3 ways Google is changing how we shop and travel

There are a whole lot of new features coming to Google AdWords, and as you can expect, it’s bound to revolutionise the way we shop and advertise. Dedicated smart filters for hotel searches, price tracking for flights, and even interactive shopping banners for YouTube – there are huge opportunities coming for both consumers and advertisers!
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Why Long-tail Keywords Equal High-value for your Business

The new black in the keyword world Long-tail keywords are becoming more frequently used, and working better for many businesses out there. If you’re not using long-tail keywords or at least planning to use them, then you should be. Long-tail keywords are the new black. But, before we get to ahead of ourselves, what is
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Constructing the Perfect Banner Ad

Create Ads People Want to Click! For as we have been surfing the web as we know it today, we have been doing so under a barrage of banner ads for almost everything we could possibly think of. From their humble beginnings in the early 90s banner ads are now in almost everything we do
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