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Local SEO – The Hometown Advantage

Most SEO strategies are created to rank sites for competitive keywords relating to their product or service. However, there is often a largely overlooked ROI in local SEO. Although rendering lower search volumes, local searches usually carry a lot more intent and can deliver convertible traffic to your site. With this in mind, we’ll look
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Facebook’s New Feature for Local Search

Have you looked for a local business or service in your local area recently? Chances are you have, and you probably used an online search engine such as Google. Google have even developed products entirely around local search via their search engine, and products such as Google My Business and Google Maps have helped seen
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Why You Need Google+

If you own a business, you should own a website. If you own a website, you want it to rank on the first Search Engine Result Page (SERP) on Google. If you want this, then there are multiple methods you can use to get you there, but a very important one is having a Google+
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It’s Time to Get Vocal About Local!

  When many people initially think about ‘Local Search’ they imagine the local corner shop around the block. Or they might even imagine the local group of shops near their workplace, business or home. All of these thoughts are correct, but Local Search is so much more than this, which is why Local Search for
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