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How to layer your marketing One of the modern classics in cinema has been, in my opinion, Inception. Let’s not worry about if you got it first time around or not, the key take away from the movie was that different levels of consciousness are contained with-in people. This has led to the catch phrase
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Online; the Place to Go When Looking for Plumbers

If you’re a Plumber who runs a small business, then figuring out the best method to market your business is now a little more complicated than what it used to be. Logic dictates that you should advertise in areas where your customers spend most of their time or in spaces where your customers might look
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Google AdWords Holiday Planning Must-Haves

  The Christmas season for children is often a time of excitement and anticipation. On the other hand, Christmas for adults in business and in marketing can be a time of stress, flurry and potentially record breaking revenue. So how do you create one and avoid the other for your business this December? A solid,
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Surely YouTube and a Music App go hand-in-hand, right?

So who wants to download a new music app by YouTube that doesn’t allow you to create your own playlists? *crickets chirping* hhmmm that’s what I thought. Last time I looked, Google had three different music platforms. They have YouTube Red, Google Play Music and Google Play Store. So when Google announced YouTube Music the
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Why Landing Pages are more of a Team Player than you might think.

High converting landing pages are designed to focus on one thing and one thing only; they’re standalone webpages which are designed to receive online traffic with users’ who have a single intent, and your landing page is there to deliver. For this very reason they are used in conjunction with online traffic directed from Pay-per-Click
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AdWords Editor

AdWords Editor is an application which allows users who own an AdWords account, or accounts, to edit and manage their AdWords campaigns. The idea is that the application makes it easier for users to create and implement changes to their campaigns. It’s especially useful for users who have more than one account, as they are
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Stop Searching for Your Ad on Google!

A common problematic scenario which comes up in the day to day running of many online campaigns is when someone with a Google AdWords account Google themselves so that they can find their ad. While I can totally understand why any SME owner is interested in performing a Google search to see if they’re showing for their top keywords, this is
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Spring Clean Your #Google #AdWords

Out with the old, in with the new One of my favourite times of the year is spring. The frosty mornings disappear, the sun comes out and the trees are in bloom. I know I’m not alone when I say it’s also the time you should start thinking about your spring cleaning. Before you ask,
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Cost Per Acquisition Bidding 101

Conversion Optimiser (or CPA or Cost Per Acquisition bidding) is a bidding tool which lets Google AdWords use your historical conversion data to determine when to bid, how much to bid and what to bid on in order to secure you conversions at the best possible acquisition cost. Put simply, it takes your campaigns conversion
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Read This if You Want Profitable Online Marketing

When it comes to driving traffic to your website, you pretty well have three options; Pay-Per-Click, such as Google AdWords, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media, such as the online platform Facebook. SponsoredLinX offer online marketing management services in all three of these areas (plus more) but there is one marketing relationship here which
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