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Check Out These Five Common Mobile Mistakes

We now live in a mobile first world, and it’s vital for companies to get their digital experience on point. However, while many senior marketers understand the importance of mobile experience, they can still get it wrong. Having been around for the start of the mobile boom, SponsoredLinX has witnessed its evolution first-hand. What worked
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Social Media Marketing For Mobile
Social Media Marketing For Mobile Optimised Campaigns

In an age where mobile is at its most popular, it is no surprise to find that people now spend more time on their smartphones than they do their desktop computers. In addition to relying on portable hand-held devices to easily access their texts or emails, users often use them to browse on social media.
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Digital the Big Winner for Ad Spend in Australia for 2016

According to recent reports from B&T and Sydney Morning Herald, Zenith Optimedia have predicted that Australia’s advertising and marketing spend is set to only increase by a meagre 3% in 2016. A 3% rise will equate to $13.5 billion but the biggest winners within the industry are set to be digital mediums, largely thanks to
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