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adwords optimize for conversions

Are You Optimising Your AdWords Ads For Maximum Conversion?

Creating multiple ads within your AdWords ad groups can be a great way to draw in more users, but equally important are your settings for how each are displayed. Below, we’ll run you through two key AdWords tools that you can help you better maximise conversions.

1. Optimise For Conversions

Firstly, it’s good to check your AdWords ‘optimize for conversions’ settings in order to ensure that preference is given to the ad/s most likely to result in a conversion (eg. purchases and sign-ups). Essentially, this tool works by taking into consideration your click-through and conversion rates, and then using this information to determine which ads should be delivered more frequently through ad auctions.

According to our AdWords expert, Drew Ioannides, if you have conversion tracking enabled and are getting a good number of leads or sales reported frequently, the ‘optimize for conversions’ tool is a great option for taking the guesswork out of which ad to run.

“By analysing the conversions you are receiving, Google will then select the ads shown to bring you the most conversions,” he says.

“However, on the other hand, if you are still getting your conversion tracking right, ‘maximise clicks’ is fantastic as it will help you get just as much traffic and data. This is also great if you are struggling with a high CPC compared to your daily budget, as it will work out the best ad position to squeeze the most clicks from your budget.”

AdWords Optimize For Conversions

2. AdWords Ad Rotations

Want to give your ads a more even distribution so that they have the chance to be seen by more people? Then it’s time to check your rotation settings! Within this setting there are two main options, to either rotate your ads evenly over a 90 day period, or to rotate indefinitely. In this case, I’d recommend going with the ‘rotate evenly’ option, as rotating indefinitely doesn’t allow auto-optimisation to kick in after the initial 90 day period. Likewise, Drew also agrees that the former is the best possible method.

“Personally I use ‘rotate evenly,’ which gives all of your ads a good run over the 90 day period, and then selects the best based on that data. This ensures each ad has had a good chance to run before optimising down to just one,” he says.

By using the ‘rotate evenly’ function, you can ensure that each of your ads are given equal preference, regardless of their performance—however, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean they will all achieve an equal number of impressions. As you might gather, it all comes down to how competitive each ad is.

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