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Evaluating your SEO Campaign for 2016

It’s no secret that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be an expensive marketing strategy but there’s no shortage of sources online saying it’s an absolute must for any business. Whilst many of these sources may be biased there is no denying that organic traffic is an incredibly effective method making up a large share of
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Surviving in the aftermath of ‘Mobilegeddon’

Google’s mobile friendly update that went live on April 21st of this year, dubbed ‘Mobilegeddon’ by those with a taste for melodrama, is now in full swing. Now that the dust it settling we can take a look at how bad the damage was and how different things will be from now on. The truth
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Black Hat Social Media and How It Can Affect your SEO Efforts

Regardless of how sophisticated Google’s search algorithms get there will always be people trying to manipulate the system. Black Hat SEO has been around for a long time and may never go away. With the growing importance of Social Media it was inevitable that Black Hat Social Media would become a thing. But what effect, if any, can it have on your SEO efforts?

Link Assassination or Negative SEO – What can you do about it?

Ever since Google released their Penguin search algorithm update there has been the potential for someone to hurt the rankings of someone else’s website. Penguin looks for spammy links to a website (a good indicator that someone is doing cheap and nasty SEO) and drops the Google rankings of that website as a penalty for black hat SEO practices. Negative SEO, also known by the slightly more dramatic term “Link Assassination”, involves actually purchasing large numbers of spammy links for a competitor in the hopes that Google will penalise their rankings.

SEO Red Flags – How do I tell whether an SEO offer is legitimate?

We often hear from clients who have received an email from an SEO company claiming there are severe problems with their website and they urgently need SEO services. Most of these are templated emails blasted out to thousands of recipients. Their salespeople then follow up on any leads brought in by reply emails. But how
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Some Quick Tips on Video SEO!

Everyone knows the average person has a short attention span online. For many people a few seconds is enough time to evaluate a website and then leave. However statistics show that when viewing video content they are willing to spend an average of 2.7 minutes watching a video online. That’s very significant when you think
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How to approach SEO now that Penguin 2.0 is out in force

In late May Google released their latest major search algorithm update dubbed “Penguin 2.0”. This update is a continuation of Google’s efforts to deliver a better user experience to people searching online. For many businesses it means they need to approach SEO differently if they want to remain competitive online.

How SEO and AdWords Go Hand in Hand:

There seems to be a growing trend of people seeing AdWords and SEO as alternatives, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.