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Digital Buzz – The Facebook Trending Fail that went viral. Sometimes it’s better to hire humans!

It can be difficult to keep up with all of the technological advances happening in our world – there’s always so much going on! As part of our weekly blog, SponsoredLinX take a look at some of the biggest social media news announcements to have caught our eye during August.  Facebook replaces its Trending News
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3 ways Google is changing how we shop and travel

There are a whole lot of new features coming to Google AdWords, and as you can expect, it’s bound to revolutionise the way we shop and advertise. Dedicated smart filters for hotel searches, price tracking for flights, and even interactive shopping banners for YouTube – there are huge opportunities coming for both consumers and advertisers!
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How to layer your marketing One of the modern classics in cinema has been, in my opinion, Inception. Let’s not worry about if you got it first time around or not, the key take away from the movie was that different levels of consciousness are contained with-in people. This has led to the catch phrase
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Surely YouTube and a Music App go hand-in-hand, right?

So who wants to download a new music app by YouTube that doesn’t allow you to create your own playlists? *crickets chirping* hhmmm that’s what I thought. Last time I looked, Google had three different music platforms. They have YouTube Red, Google Play Music and Google Play Store. So when Google announced YouTube Music the
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The Making of the Famous Christmas Advert

Video Content Just Got Better It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Yes, the Holiday season is well and truly with us and one of my favourite past times has been watching (and re-watching) all of the Christmas adverts released by big brands around the world.  My eager anticipation for the commercials, which are
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The Link Between Google & YouTube

What It Means For Retailers and Consumers If you are an avid online shopper, you’ve been in the situation where you absolutely need an item and the ones in-store don’t cut it. For me, it’s the new stainless steel water bottle that’s Bisphennol-A (BPA) free. You go on Google, research it, watch a few YouTube
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The Year of YouTube

When it comes to search volume it might surprise a lot of people to know that YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world behind Google. With over 3 Billion searches on YouTube every month it’s no surprise that in 2006 Google purchased YouTube for $1.65billion. Even with this incredible statistic many digital
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How To Create Unskippable Ads

Have you ever clicked a link to watch a movie trailer you have been super interested to see, only to be faced with an advertisement that you are forced to watch the first five seconds of before you can press skip? I know it happens to me, but every now and again there is an
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Content Marketing for Healthcare Professionals

A recent study by Google found that over 65% of people turn to the Internet to answer questions and concerns about their health. Surprisingly this figure is much higher than those who actually consulted their physician at only 53%. These numbers demonstrate that there is a huge opportunity for practitioners to establish a relationship with prospective patients online – aiding confidence in the path to conversion.

Get more engagement with Video

The further along we get into 2014, we are having to find even more ways to interact with customers digitally. Social media platforms are great for gaining insights into how customers interact with brands & products, now more than ever. These insights often lead to new and exciting ways of engaging with customers and getting them to interact with new products & promotions.