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Office Story: The game in which you develop games

For this week’s app, I had a look at Office Story.

Snapchat’s New eCommerce System

Just as Facebook and Twitter have announced that they are getting into eCommerce, Snapchat appears to be trying to get in on the action too. The popular mini photo and video sharing social network bought trademarks for two payment related systems last week.

Yahoo Acquires Mobile App Company Flurry

Flurry is an app analytics and advertising company has recently been purchased by Yahoo for around about $US300 Million.

Kim Kardashian’s New Money Maker

The hit mobile game of the last month has a familiar face behind it. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is an adventure game for IOS and Android that lets players create their own celebrity and interact with the titular reality show star, her friends, and her frenemies.

Have an App? What’s your Plan?

Apps are fast becoming the next “.com boom” with tens of thousands of fantastic ideas circulating around and smartphone usage shooting through the roof. As with most other aspects of online marketing, a social boom translates well for tech savvy companies looking to utilise the latest trends to promote themselves. But once you have an
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