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Would You Trust Facebook Chatbots To Order Your Pizza?

They’re strong, they’re clever, and they’re making their mark on the world. No, this isn’t a case of chimpanzees rising up and running amok through the city; in fact, my subject isn’t even a real-life being. Who is it? Why, it’s the savvy chatbot. If you haven’t yet heard of the chatbot, let me take
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Found Careers: The ‘Tinder for Jobs’ app that will change the way you hire

Looking for staff? Say goodbye to complicated job search platforms and badly formatted CV’s, and say hello to ‘Found Careers!’ Voted by 15-29 year olds as the #1 most useful job platform in Australia, ‘Found Careers,’ is a revolutionary app that takes the hassle out of hiring and applying. “But we’ve already got job seeker
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The Tinder-inspired Networking app for Entrepreneurial Women!

“Being an entrepreneur is isolating at times. Our friends and family don’t understand why we put in the long hours, money and energy into something we know will make a difference in this world. The craft takes time. The building takes time. The success takes time. BUT the journey doesn’t have to be lonely.” –
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3 ways Google is changing how we shop and travel

There are a whole lot of new features coming to Google AdWords, and as you can expect, it’s bound to revolutionise the way we shop and advertise. Dedicated smart filters for hotel searches, price tracking for flights, and even interactive shopping banners for YouTube – there are huge opportunities coming for both consumers and advertisers!
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What Pokemon Go can teach us about ‘how to catch em all’ (customers that is!)

Have you noticed an increase in people walking around town lately, staring with dedicated concentration at their smart phones? Maybe yelling with excitement, or screaming with disappointment? You’d be forgiven for thinking that perhaps they’ve just received a really great (or disappointing) email. But the reality? They’re probably just looking for Pokemon. Welcome to ‘Pokemon
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3 simple ways to save money on your advertising budget!

If you’re like most business owners, entrepreneurs, or humans in general, the last thing you set out to do each day is throw your money away on purpose. This might seem obvious, but the truth is: if you don’t have a good advertising strategy in place, you could be doing just that. Below, we share
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TWO SIMPLE WAYS to implement videos into your marketing  

It’s true: Video is the new kid on the block and she’s here to stay! Sure, she may have changed a lot over the years – moving from a clunky black box whose insides would regularly tangle and crinkle – to a digital file that now lives in a slick, curvy smartphone or a hip
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