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iPhone App Marketing: Selling Your Brand through Apple’s App Market


Since it launched five years ago, Apple’s app market has become a library of roughly a million different app titles and played host to some 50 billion downloads. Needless to say, iPhone app marketing is not as simple as it sounds. Considering the saturation of the market, it can be hard for any app to gain a substantial following. Whether you are an independent game developer or just a business owner looking to gain Internet traction by having an app, the Apple app market is a battlefield.


Luckily, there are things you can do to boost your iPhone app marketing. First of all, building an Internet following—especially by using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter—is wildly important for selling apps. Some app users browse the Apple app store on a regular basis to find new titles, but more often, your audience will be built by finding customers through other Internet channels. If you can build a base of people who are drawn to your app for its functions or features, those people will likely spread the word and your audience will grow. All of this starts through social media.


However, there are always ways to draw new users by taking your iPhone app marketing to the app store itself. Apple organises popular app titles by gauging organic rankings. You can boost the rankings for your app by placing ads for it within other free apps, on the sidebars of social media sites, etc. While many app users or Internet browsers will simply ignore these ads, each click will still bring new potential customers to your app and will boost the organic rankings as well, and those clicks add up over time. The higher your organic ranking, the more likely customers will find your app while browsing the Apple market.


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